Thursday, February 26, 2009

How amazing is your cat?

I'm glad you asked.

She is the softest cat. Evah. Like velvety velvet. That's really velvety.

Her computer skills are still rough. Her CV you see there? Mostly me. Except the education and experience. And the demonstrations. That's all her. (Yes, she's kind of controlling - that's her looking over my work.)

Also, for amusement she kills real and imaginary mice, chases her tail and watches kitty slasher (me in the shower - mon Dieu!) verite. She also has the softest, most musical purr I've ever heard. Like the bells of heaven.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Interesting: "How to get a million hits on your blog in less

Interesting: "How to get a million hits on your blog in less than a year."

I may have found two new links for the broll; I'm about ready to cull some others to make room, as it so happens.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Heartbreaking grasp of the tragically obvious

Campbell Brown: "Pakistan gives in to terrorists."

And, in other news, the sun came up today.

Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! I know who stole the stuffed badger from Hansons!!!

First, exhibit A:

A tavern owner and his family got the surprise of their lives after a renter moved out of an apartment above the business.

It had been about a month since the former tenant moved out of the apartment above Hanson's Tavern, 615 Cranston Road, and owner Richard Pinnon sent some teenage relatives to clean out the space, said Willis Abegglen, deputy chief of the Town of Beloit Police Department.

Yada yada. They found a three-foot alligator, which then becomes a story more for Jib, since they're gonna send it up to the Serpent Sanctuary in Fort Atkinson.

But you see where I'm going with this. Yup, some rat bastage has had access to the bar and traded a crappy lizard for a cool formerly live badger. One I lusted after for my own mantlepiece for years.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sam Adams calls on bloggers

Who knew the powdered wig would make a comeback?

Homeschool with training wheels

Want to be more hands-on with your kids' learning but afraid to dive in all the way until you know you can do it?

Try one of Wisconsin's virtual schools; you don't have to be in the right district (kids study through Wisconsin virtual schools while living anywhere from Baraboo to Hawaii), you simply need to sign up in time during open enrollment, which is through Feb. 20th.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

'People, who need people'

Are the luckiest people, says the song. More lucky People people:

- "Salma Hayek Breastfeeds African Baby on Goodwill Trip." Let the outrage over nothing begin.

- Like her doppleganger Angie, this lady needs children - lots of children - and also embraces unorthodox ways to get them. Along with any photo op that comes along.

- These animatarians need people, too - like a good psychiatrist. Although I agree that trying to build a master race of dogs is frightening.